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Alwaro Gattesco Bella, CZ BRI a
Rebeca von Schnurrpidu BRI g
CH Tullian Tip-Top British Velvet, CZ BRI e
Ulliana Umillka British Velvet, CZ
GR.INT.CH Martinelli's Blue Francis BRI a
Creme-Paula v. Kuehlingsgrund BRI e
GIC Merlin Nimble Cat BRI e
GIC Aria of Rabizonia*PL BRI e
GIC Incognito vom Zigeunerboden BRI a
EC Camelia British Velvet, CZ, JW, DM BRI c
EC Balthasar v. Kuhlingsgrund BRI a
Annabell Lovely Panther, CZ BRI a
INT, CH Nowie of the Cream v. Tonkay BRI e
GIC Creme-Indira v. Baerental BRI e
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